Sourdough bread is a delicious bread that accompanies many dishes perfectly.  However, learning to make the perfect sourdough, understanding starters and fermentation can be somewhat difficult.  Once you know the basics, you’ll be enjoying delicious sourdough bread all the time!  

I found a great article from The Birch Cottage where Pam explains, in depth, the process and understanding of Sourdough…

  • What is a Sourdough Starter?
  • What about yeast?
  • Why don’t we simply use store bought yeast?
  • Isn’t making your own starter time consuming and difficult?
  • Understanding sourdough starters
  • Sourdough starter process
  • Tips and Tricks for the perfect sourdough
  • The best ingredients for sourdough

If you’d like to learn all about sourdough, please take a look at Pam’s amazing article!