It’s not just kids that can be picky eaters – some adults are too! And this could be for a variety of reasons. Maybe there were only a few foods you liked growing up, and it’s hard to break the habit of a lifetime? Or maybe you’re very sensitive towards textures and have to spit out anything that sets your tastebuds off? Whatever it is that forces you to be strict with your diet, we’ve got some tips that could help. Check them out if you’d like to add a few new foods into your fridge. 

Be Proud That You Tried Something

It’s not a job of being harsh on yourself about your picky eating habits. It’s about embracing the way your taste buds work and being willing to go beyond your comfort zone once in a while. Sure, if you have an allergy you need to steer clear, but if you’re clear to eat something new, go for it! Even if you don’t like it, you can be proud that you tried it, and that’s a much more motivating feeling for next time. 

Mix in Different Cuisines

The more cuisines you try out, the more broad your dietary horizons will be – literally! And seeing as there are thousands of cultures out there, that’s a lot of different food you might like. And hey, there’s no single person alive who only likes food from their own country! So, whether you’d like to learn how to make papas rellenas or Spanish empanadas, Greek lamb koftas or Italian meatballs, the more you’re willing to try, the easier it’ll be to break the habit. You just need to look up a recipe and go from there! 

Take Your Time

If you’re serious about changing your eating habits, don’t try a bunch of new things at once. Try one thing at a time, every few days, to see how you like them. If the taste test is a success, add them onto your menu! Just don’t buy a bunch of new foods and then go through them in quick succession; not only are you likely to overwhelm yourself, but it’ll also be a big waste of money

Eat Little and Often

Finally, once you do decide you like something new, don’t eat too much of it. Take your time acclimating to the new taste and/or texture, and have it maybe once or twice a week. If you eat it every day, or have it as a meal every other day, you’re likely to get bored of it. And if you do, you’re right back to square one. It’s best to just work your brain and stomach together while being careful not to overload them.  

Breaking the habit of picky eating is hard, and don’t let anyone say it isn’t. Take your time, don’t force yourself, and don’t be hard on yourself if you don’t like something. In fact, you should be proud that you’re so willing to try something new! 


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