Embracing the journey of becoming a new parent

Although some new parents might seem like they take on the role as easily and smoothly as putting on a new pair of pants, not everyone has it that easy. There are plenty who experience feelings of discomfort, or even a certain kind of anxiety when handling or spending time with a new baby. This is not very uncommon, and nor is it likely to last too long, but here are some tips to help you get over the awkward new period a lot of parents face.

Ensure Skin-to-Skin Bonding

One of the best ways to feel more comfortable with your new baby is through skin-to-skin bonding. This simple but powerful practice involves holding your baby against your bare chest. Skin-to-skin contact helps regulate your baby’s heart rate, body temperature, and breathing, while also calming them. For new parents, it offers a deep sense of connection and helps alleviate anxiety about the baby’s well-being. It’s not just beneficial for the baby, but for you as well, releasing hormones like oxytocin, which promotes bonding and can reduce stress.  This practice can be done right after birth and should continue in the days and weeks that follow. It allows you to get familiar with your baby’s unique movements, sounds, and rhythms, helping you to feel more in tune with them. 

Learn How to Hold Them Securely

Handling a newborn can feel intimidating, especially if you’re new to parenthood. Babies feel fragile, and many parents worry about holding them the “right way.” Learning how to hold your baby securely is a crucial step in becoming more comfortable. The key to holding a newborn is to always support the baby’s head and neck, as they lack the muscle strength to hold it up on their own.  Start by gently scooping the baby under their back, with one hand supporting their neck and the other holding their bottom. Once you have them in your arms, try to keep them close to your body for extra support. Cradle holds, where the baby’s head rests on your arm, or tummy-time positions can make holding them more manageable. Practice in a seated position until you feel more confident, and soon holding your baby will feel natural.

Embracing the journey of becoming a new parent

Talk to Your Baby

It may feel strange at first, but talking to your newborn is an excellent way to build comfort and connection. Babies may not understand language yet, but they are highly responsive to the sound of your voice. Talking to your baby helps them recognize your voice and builds a foundation for future language development. It also makes you feel more engaged with your baby, fostering a sense of connection.  Start by narrating your day or describing the things around you. You can talk softly or sing to your baby, as they find the sound of your voice comforting. This simple act creates a soothing environment for your baby and helps you feel more at ease in your role as a parent. 

Try Gentle Massages

Another way to build comfort with your baby is through gentle massages. Infant massage is not only soothing for the baby but can also help you feel more confident in handling and caring for them. Massaging your baby’s legs, arms, and torso using gentle strokes helps you become more familiar with their body, movements, and cues. It also provides a calm, relaxed environment where you can focus on your baby’s needs without distractions.  Massaging your baby can be part of a daily routine, especially before bedtime, to help them relax and sleep better. Using a small amount of baby-safe oil or lotion can make the experience more enjoyable for both of you. Always ensure the room is warm, and make eye contact with your baby during the massage to reinforce that emotional connection. 

Ensure Your Self-Care

Becoming comfortable with your new baby doesn’t just involve caring for them, it also means caring for yourself. The transition into parenthood can be exhausting, with sleepless nights and constant attention to your baby’s needs. Ensuring that you take care of your own physical and emotional well-being is critical to feeling more comfortable and confident as a parent.  Make time for rest whenever possible, even if it’s just short naps while your baby sleeps. Exercise, even gentle activities like walking, can help reduce stress and boost your energy levels. Eating a balanced diet ensures you have the physical strength and mental clarity to handle the demands of parenthood.

Know When It Might Be a Sign of Something Deeper

While many new parents experience some level of anxiety and uncertainty, it’s essential to recognize when feelings of discomfort may be a sign of something more serious, like postpartum depression (or PPD). It’s normal to feel overwhelmed in the early days of parenthood, but if these feelings persist or worsen, leading to sadness, hopelessness, or disinterest in your baby, it could indicate postpartum depression.  Many parents who have that initial period of awkwardness or discomfort with their baby get over it. However, you should be sure to take steps to actively address it so it doesn’t get in the way of your bond.

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