How to Survive as a Newborn Baby Parent: Tips to Make Life Easier

Becoming a new parent is one of the most amazing but challenging experiences of your life. There are so many things to learn and do to care for your new baby that it can sometimes feel overwhelming. However, with a little bit of preparation and organization, you can make life as a newborn baby parent much easier. 

1) Get plenty of sleep when you can: 

One of the best pieces of advice for new parents is to sleep when their baby sleeps. This can be easier said than done, but trying to get as much rest as possible is important. Newborn babies need a lot of care and attention, so you will likely be up several times during the night. If you are well-rested, you will be able to handle these nighttime feedings and diaper changes with ease. Additionally, napping during the day can also be helpful. If your baby takes a morning nap, try to take one too. You may not be able to actually fall asleep, but resting your eyes and body will help you feel more refreshed.

2) Set up a comfortable feeding station: 

If you are breastfeeding, it is important to have a comfortable place to feed your baby. A nursing pillow can be very helpful in getting the position just right. You will also want to have a few burp cloths on hand to catch any spills.  If you are bottle-feeding, make sure you have everything you need within reach so that you are not constantly getting up and down. A popular method is to set up a small table or cart next to your chair with all the necessary supplies. This way, you can just roll the cart over when it is time to feed your baby.

3) Have a diaper changing station: 

Keep your diaper-changing supplies in one place so that you are not running around the house looking for them when you need to change a dirty diaper. A small table or dresser with a changing pad on top is perfect for this. Be sure to stock it with plenty of diapers, wipes, and rash cream. You might also want to keep a spare outfit or two close by in case of any accidents.

4) Get organized: 

One of the best ways to make life as a newborn baby parent easier is to get organized. This means keeping track of things like feedings, diaper changes, and doctor’s appointments. There are a number of ways you can do this, such as using a notebook or creating a spreadsheet. You could also download a helpful app like Baby Connect (which allows you to track everything from feedings to sleep habits). Taking the time to stay organized will help you feel more in control and less overwhelmed.

5) Accept help if it is offered: 

New parents often feel like they need to do everything on their own, but this is not the case. If someone offers to help you with a task like laundry or grocery shopping, don’t be afraid to accept their offer. This will give you more time to focus on caring for your new baby.

6) Read up on newborn care: 

If you are feeling overwhelmed by everything you need to do to take care of your new baby, reading up on newborn care can be very helpful. There are several great books and websites that provide information on everything from feeding to sleep schedules. This will help you feel more prepared and confident in your parenting abilities. A recommended book to read is “The Baby Book” by William and Martha Sears. In this book, the Sears share their vast knowledge of newborn care and provide parents with a step-by-step guide to raising a happy and healthy baby.

7) Invest in calming products: 

There are a number of products on the market that can help soothe and calm your new baby. For example, swaddling blankets, white noise machines, baby rockers, pacifiers, or even a simple piece of cloth soaked in lavender oil can be helpful in calming a crying baby. If you are not sure what will work best for your baby, ask your pediatrician for recommendations.

8) Join a support group: 

If you are struggling to adjust to life with a new baby, consider joining a support group. There are groups for all kinds of parents, including those who are new to parenting, single parents, and parents of multiples. These groups provide a great way to meet other parents and get advice and support. You can often find these groups through your local hospital, library, or community center.  Just remember to take things one day at a time and reach out for help when you need it. With a little bit of planning and preparation, you will be able to handle anything that comes your way. Congratulations on your new arrival!

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