Working as a chef seems to be no mean feat, and depending on where that chef is employed, it may or may not be. A chef running his/her own kitchen will have a considerably tougher time than if they were employed in a corporate kitchen with many employees. That being said, foodies like us can sometimes see the professional space and think it seems a little over our heads, what with the intense shouting that makes for good television and the need to continually deliver with no room for experimentation.

Yet while professional chefs may seem a world away from the home cook, you may be surprised as to how similar they can be when in the same loving home kitchen. In fact, Marco Pierre White, one of Britain’s most celebrated chefs hung up his apron after getting tired with sustaining three Michelin stars each year, deciding instead to focus on rustic, comfortable home cookbooks and filmed recipes.

Before we head into the new year, let us use the professional insight of a chef to help us gain further perspective on our own culinary efforts:

Any chef may enjoy making complex, refined meals at their fine dining restaurant, but you can be sure that when they come home, they make something simple and comforting for dinner. It’s the way we’re wired. Sometimes the foods that we love the most are those with the most simple, impactful flavors, those that we actually enjoy making, and those that have a simple, rustic charm to them. This recipe for bacon wrapped chicken hits on all of those points and more, and serves as a wonderful example of this.

A Respect For Your Kitchen Is Paramount

Without respect for your kitchen, you will have failed the first cardinal rule of your kitchen. Sure, you may not wipe down your surface every five minutes as you would in an intensive kitchen scenario with good standards, but caring for organizing your apparatus and cooking equipment, cleaning well afterwards and practicing good kitchen hygiene gives you a sense of practical self-respect that’s hard to ignore.

It Pays To Nurture Your Love For Food

It really does pay to nurture your love for food. Even a chef, working hard every single day on beautiful food, can get bored of the menu if it’s not regularly changed, and if they fail to try new things. Refining your palette and enjoying a comforting set of meals from different cuisines will help you always stay active and dynamic with your food choices. Challenging yourself in the kitchen can help you do this as well. Before long, you will find yourself not only a good home cook, but a foodie through and through. This in itself can help your culinary passion preserve itself longer than the actual preserves you may one day make.

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