Everyone knows I have a love (obsession) of cream cheese! I could put it on everything and as you can see I make a lot of desserts with it! In this recipe, I decided to put the cream cheese not only in the dough, but inside with the raspberry preserves and the icing on top! The dough is rich, buttery and has a hint of cream cheese while the inside is slightly sweet from the preserves and creamy from the cream cheese. This recipe comes together quickly and in a little bit of time you can have a delicious pastry for dessert, breakfast…or anytime!
2 C flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 C sugar
1/2 C butter, softened
4 ounces cream cheese, softened
4-5 Tbsp. cream (or milk)
4 ounces cream cheese, softened
1/3 C seedless raspberry preserves
1 tsp. vanilla
1 ounce cream cheese, softened
3 tsp. powdered sugar
1-2 Tbsp. cream (or milk)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees; grease two cookie sheets.
Please note: this recipe made 16 turnovers, however some pictures only show 10 or 12.
In a bowl, mix together the flour, salt and sugar.
Cut in the butter and cream cheese.
Slowly add the cream until the dough comes together (do not over mix).
Roll out dough into a square that is about 1/4″ thick.
Trim the edges and cut into squares (repeat with remaining dough; I got 16 squares).
Mix together the cream cheese, preserves & vanilla (mine was a little lumpy!).
Take a dollop of the mixture and place onto each square.
Moisten two edges of the dough and fold over. Press to seal the edges.
Continue with the rest of them and place onto the cookie sheets.
Bake for 15-20 minutes; until golden brown around the edges.
Allow to cool. While they’re cooling, cream together the cream cheese & powdered sugar. Add enough cream to make a creamy icing.
Drizzle the icing over top of the turnovers.
Take a bite and enjoy!
Can you send a few of those my way? FedEx?
YUM! Thanks for the recipe!
I wish I could Mary…thanks for being so sweet 🙂
That just looks too good!! I love cream cheese and this sure wil fit the order!
These are lovely! I bet they are fabulous.
I will be right over for breakfast. I am WILD about cream cheese too!MMMMMMM.
I will be right over for breakfast. I am WILD about cream cheese too!MMMMMMM.