Recently, I posted an article about how hard it is to find time for homemaking as a busy mom. This made me think about cooking. Is there a way to make cooking easier for busy moms who have commitments outside of the kitchen without sacrificing the quality of a great homemade meal? Well, as it turns out, there are a few tools that you can get your hands on that will make cooking easier. Here you’ll find reviews as well as a little advice on the best model of each cooking tool that you can buy.


Slow Cooker

Reviewing the Best Cooking Tools for Busy Moms

Cooked To Perfection – Wikimedia

Perhaps the best tool for a busy mom is the slow cooker. A slow cooker is a rather useful tool because it will, as the name suggests, cook things for you slowly. What does this mean? Well, you can get up early in the morning and start dinner, then leave it to cook through the day. When you get in, you’ll find that the food is ready to eat and you probably just need to prepare some veg to go with it. The best part is that these cookers use very little energy so they won’t push your bills through the roof.

A Russell Hobbs chalkboard slow cooker can be bought online for a super low cost, and we think you’ll be thrilled with how easy it is to use. If you’re a busy mom and you don’t have one of these in your kitchen, you are missing out.


Food Processor

Reviewing the Best Cooking Tools for Busy Moms

Don’t Forget The Lid! – Flickr


Do you hate how long it takes to prepare food from slicing and dicing to cutting and grinding? All moms do, but some have found a way to avoid the issue completely, using a food processor. Food processors have a variety of settings so they can be used however you like. For instance, you can get a food processor that purees as well as one that cuts meat into chunks. It will do whatever you need, and again, they’re really not that expensive, as you can see from the reviews of the best food processors on the market. You just need to pick one for your kitchen and try it out for yourself.

For our money, the Braun K650 Multiquick might be the best option, and the key is in the name. It works rapidly, preparing your food, so you don’t have to.


Heat Induction Hobs

Reviewing the Best Cooking Tools for Busy MomsPixabay


Heat induction hobs are a great option if you are thinking about redesigning or remodelling your kitchen. A heat induction hob, while expensive allows you to cook food more equally. As such, food on a heat induction hob doesn’t need to be watched quite as much to ensure it doesn’t burn or even boil over. It makes cooking a little easier and is once again, a fantastic energy saver.


Finally, there’s the bonus option of a smart fridge. While a smart fridge won’t make cooking easier, it might just ensure you have the ingredients in that you need. You see a smart fridge can tell you if you have the milk in for cupcakes while you’re out shopping or perhaps eggs in when you’re thinking about making a creme Brulee. As such it can be a lifesaver and avoid you heading to the store twice.


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