Why Won't My Cake Rise? Baking Measurement Mistakes & How to Fix Them


Why Won’t My Cake Rise? 

5 Sneaky Mistakes That Are Messing Up Your Ingredient Measurements

Ever bake a cake that falls flat, even when you followed the recipe precisely? Inaccurate measuring might be the culprit! This post dives into five sneaky mistakes that can throw off your ingredient measurements, leading to less-than-perfect baked goods.

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Mistake #1: Dipping the Measuring Cup into the Flour Bag

This is a common one. Scooping flour directly from the bag packs it into the cup, resulting in too much flour. Dense cakes and dryness are the consequences.


Use a spoon or another measuring cup to scoop the flour gently into your actual measuring cup. Level it off with a flat knife for an accurate measurement.

Mistake #2: Using the Wrong Measuring Tools

There’s a difference between measuring cups for liquids and dry ingredients! Liquid measuring cups are typically clear with markings on the side. Dry measuring cups are nesting cups with a flat rim for leveling.


Use clear measuring cups for liquids like water or oil. For dry ingredients like flour and sugar, use nesting measuring cups. Measuring spoons work for both wet and dry ingredients.

Why Won't My Cake Rise? Baking Measurement Mistakes & How to Fix Them

Mistake #3: Eyeballing Instead of Measuring

Adding a “heaping” spoonful of sugar or eyeballing the amount of milk seems harmless, but it can significantly alter the recipe’s ratios. Baking relies on precise ratios of ingredients to achieve the desired texture and rise.


Measure every ingredient according to the recipe. Don’t guess!  This ensures the proper balance of wet and dry ingredients, leavening agents, and fats, leading to a successful bake.

Mistake #4: Not Leveling Off Dry Ingredients

Even with the correct measuring cup, forgetting to level off flour or sugar can pack them in, leading to a denser cake.


After scooping flour or sugar into the measuring cup, gently run a flat knife across the rim to remove any excess, creating a level surface.


Mistake #5: Using Inconsistent Measuring Techniques

Sometimes, bakers might pack flour into the cup one time and use a looser scoop the next. This inconsistency throws off the measurements.


Develop a consistent measuring routine. Whether you spoon and level or gently pour the flour, stick to the same method throughout your baking process.

Why Won't My Cake Rise? Baking Measurement Mistakes & How to Fix Them

By following these tips and measuring accurately, you’ll be well on your way to baking delicious and consistent cakes!

Remember, baking is a science, and precise measurements are key to achieving the perfect outcome.