Crumb by Crumb! 6 Pointers To Get You Started With Baking

Crumb by Crumb! 6 Pointers To Get You Started With Baking

If you are looking to cut costs but still have a sweet treat, baking is one of the best ways to do it. But the fact is that a lot of us don’t know how to bake or even to get started with it. Baking is such a very popular thing, but what can we all do to get started with baking at home? 

Start With an Easy Recipe

The fewer steps the better. Because while you may want to learn how to melt chocolate right away, the fact is you’ve got to start with as few steps as possible. At the very outset, you might be better off with a muffin recipe that uses oil rather than butter. This is purely because it needs to be beaten with sugar. Using oil directly in recipes makes life easier for you, meaning that you can keep an eye on the process easier. 

Crumb by Crumb! 6 Pointers To Get You Started With Baking

Be Diligent With the Ingredients

When you want to make something you set your heart on, part of the reason we want you to be simpler at the start is because of a high likelihood of mistakes. When it comes to the ingredients, you have to check you have all the ingredients and make sure you arrange them appropriately. One of the simplest lessons we can all have at the very outset is to . You can’t skip any ingredient in the recipe because one little oversight can cause a massive mistake. 

Measuring the Ingredients

When you measure, you’ve got to measure any dry ingredients by volume rather than weight. This means you need to measure something like flour in grams rather than cups. Additionally, you should have a reliable scale. You can always get a digital kitchen scale because this will make things easier. 

Mixing Ingredients Carefully

When you start to mix dry and wet ingredients you need to mix gently. You may think that mixing really quickly is a better way to bring it all together, but when you do this, it can cause damage to any cake, which is why you need to follow the recipe. It’s best to mix wet ingredients first, and usually add them to the dry ingredients bit by bit. But the recipe may tell you to mix all the wet ingredients and dry ingredients together. It’s always crucial to conduct your due diligence here. 

Crumb by Crumb! 6 Pointers To Get You Started With Baking

Setting the Right Oven Temperature 

When you are making any type of cake, you are better off using the lower rod and keeping the cake tray in the middle rack, but it all depends on your oven. It may take you some time to get used to it. 

Knowing When Your Cake Is Done

One of the biggest mistakes new bakers make is opening the oven door too early. This is where doing the toothpick test can make a big difference, but make sure you do it in the last 10 minutes. Because if the toothpick comes out wet, you will need another 10 minutes to get it done. If there are only a couple of crumbs sticking to the toothpick, this means your cake is ready. Anything longer and it will be dry. 

Crumb by Crumb! 6 Pointers To Get You Started With Baking

Hopefully, these are some little things that can get you started. Good luck!


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