If you are one of the many people who just can’t get by without their morning cup of coffee, then you might well be keen to know how to make the perfect cup. The truth is that there is a surprising amount which goes into making the perfect coffee, and no matter how much or how little experience you have there is always more you can do to improve your next cup of coffee. In this article, we are going to discuss a number of simple changes you can make or things you can take on board which will likely lead to a much better cup of coffee. Consider them all, and you might even find that you end up with the perfect cup of coffee. Without further ado, let’s take a look at how you can make the perfect cup of coffee.

Grind Your Own Beans

Without a doubt, one of the best ways to make your coffee much better on the whole is to make sure that you are grinding your own beans. When you use your own beans and grind them freshly before making the coffee, it provides a freshness to your coffee which you just can’t get otherwise. There is no other way to get that kind of freshness, so if you really want the ultimate cup of coffee you have to grind your own beans first. To do this, you will need a grinder, and it is best to get hold of a specific coffee bean grinder to do this, as that will work out the best. You might want to consider reading some coffee equipment reviews in order to get hold of the perfect grinder, as it really does make all the difference having a grinder that works very well. Still, even by grinding with a basic cheap one, you will be improving the quality of your coffee.

Don’t Boil The Water

Probably the most common mistake people make when they make coffee is to boil the water. Although with tea you want to boil the water, with coffee it is actually preferable to heat the water until just before boiling point, and use it at that stage instead. This is because boiling water burns the beans, and causes the taste of the coffee to be more bitter than you probably want it to be. When you use hot but not boiling water, it makes for a much better cup on the whole, and it also has the advantage of being quicker to make as well. If you are using a kettle, turn it off before it boils. Otherwise, just heat heat the water before the boil.

Milk & Sugar?

Although the question of milk and sugar is entirely up to personal taste, there is much to be said for only having your coffee either black or with only a little milk and no sugar. If you add too much milk or sugar it detracts from the flavor of the coffee itself, so you should only do this in a small quantity and only if you feel it is necessary. As long as you can retain the flavor of the coffee, you will find it is much better.


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