<center><a href=”https://flourmewithlove.com/”><img src=”http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l496/FlourMeWithLove/mixitup.png” border=”0″ alt=”Mixitup” width=”150px” height=”125px”/></a></center>
Welcome to another week of Mix it up Monday! It’s hard to believe this is the last one for June…the summer is going by so fast! Thank you all for taking the time to share your projects and recipes and for making Mix it up Monday a success!
A big THANK YOU for hosting!
Thanks so much for hosting! Hope you have a wonderful week ahead…keep cool Friend.
Good Morning! Thank you for hosting Mix It Up Monday. Have a wonderful week!
Thanks for hosting – hope you have a great week!
Good morning! It's summertime and, oh-so-hot here in Oklahoma. I have been experimenting with cold drinks and came up with an alternative to one of my favorites-a Skinny Orange Julius (# 113 ). All the yumminess without sugar! Thanks for hosting the party and have a great day!