I’m so happy to introduce you to my newest sponsor: lilla rose. I just recently heard of this company, however I’m a big fan of Whole Intentions. Paula Miller runs that wonderful blog, is a consultant for lilla rose and also homeschools five kids! How is that for amazing?
Lilla rose sells beautiful hair clips and accessories. What’s unique is that the clips are flexible. I love that because I break a lot of the plastic ones! Plus they come in different sizes and a ton of beautiful designs. Paula was kind enough to send me the Freestyle Princess Tiara to try; isn’t it gorgeous?
I couldn’t wait to try it out because I have very long thick hair which I wear up 95% of the time. I usually wear the plastic clips and I must say, a lot of the times it gives me a headache, however I continue to wear it because I like my hair up. Well that is until recently! Once I received the Freestyle Princess Tiara I immediately tried it out. I just did a twist, tucked in my ends and secured the clip. Very simple to do!
Not the greatest picture, but I wanted you to see that even with my long thick hair it has no problem keeping it secure. I wear it all day, it never falls out and I haven’t gotten a headache either; I can’t believe how comfortable it is. I’ve received many compliments about it too 🙂
Would you like to have one of these beautiful clips? Paula has graciously offered one of you a $15 gift certificate to lilla rose! You’ll get to pick out anything you like 🙂 All you have to do is watch the sizing video and tell me what size and style you’d pick out.
Contest closed! Congratulations comment #51!
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/rararomp/status/200944571084054528
rararomp at gmail dot com
rararomp at gmail dot com
Thank you all for entering!
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This contest is open to EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE and will end on May 16th. Winner will be notified via email.
I was provided with a lilla rose Freestyle Princess Tiara, however the opinions expressed are my own 🙂
Shared on FB 16 MAY: https://www.facebook.com/auqakuh/posts/172940679501019
Have a gorgeous day! 🙂
Tweet 16 MAY: https://twitter.com/#!/rararomp/status/202763733750124545
rararomp at gmail dot com
Shared on FB: https://www.facebook.com/auqakuh/posts/333941093346411
rararomp at gmail dot com