<center><a href=”https://flourmewithlove.com/”><img src=”http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l496/FlourMeWithLove/mixitup.png” border=”0″ alt=”Mixitup” width=”150px” height=”125px”/></a></center>
Welcome to another week of Mix it up Monday! I’m so excited to see what you all have been working on this week. I also want to give a ~warm welcome~ to all the new people who have joined in on the party. I love finding new blogs and making new friends 🙂 Your time is greatly appreciated and I’m thankful to all of you who make this party a success!
Oops! Just linked the wrong picture. Ah well, it links to the right recipe anyway…
I've shared my Neptune's Pasta, a super simple, delicious dish that can be made with any seafood you happen to have on hand.
Thanks for hosting. I'm looking forward to checking out the other links.
Thanks for hosting! I also stopped by to let you know I nominated you for the Liebster Award … You can read more about it here ~ http://www.lovebakesgoodcakes.com/2012/07/all-my-bloggy-friends-4-and-liebster.html
Thanks so much for hosting. I am now following you on linky and GFC. I would love for you to visit, follow back and maybe even link up on my Monday linky party.
Marcie @ http://www.IGottaTryThat.com